Buying a horse is a complex
transaction. This is because there are things you should know beforehand. You
need to decide the type and temperament required. Honesty is the best policy
and you must be true to yourself: do you have the time to invest in this horse?
First time investors in horse
ownerships can run into problems at a very early stage. Many horses need
schooling, extra exercise and are often more demanding than other horses. The
purchaser can often find they are out of their depth and the time constraints
on the new owner are unable to be met.
The financial angle is also a
huge consideration before buying. You need to know – long before you buy a
horse or a pony – if the money will add up. Can you afford to buy a new horse?
Will you meet all the costs of the vet, farrier or professional rider? Can you
afford the stable fees? Will you have the cash to pay for tack and feed?
Then there is the demand on your
time when you need to take a break. In a situation where the owner travels
overseas for a couple of weeks, the horse will need to be looked after and
stabled. This will all cost extra money – so you need to know if the finances
stack up.
When you buy a horse you
should not purchase blind. Buying a horse without seeing it first should not be
considered. Unscrupulous horse dealers have been known to give a horse a good
character reference, where in reality the description does not match the personality
of the horse at all. To coin a common phrase: the bread is buttered up, before
the sale.
If you are a novice horse buyer,
why not consider bringing along a bit of experience with you when you view your
new potential horse? A second opinion from a trusted, well-versed and
experienced rider will definitely go a long way to making the purchase an
easier transaction.
When you buy a horse you need to
know some things about the passport. Every horse will have a passport, but does the passport
match the physical equine you are seeing at the stables? Moreover, how can you
You should look at the silhouette
(on the passport) and look for a match. But you can also take the horse to a
vet so the microchip can be tested.