System administrators are responsible for the most crucial and wide sort of duties. They are critical to the successful and reliable operations of an organization as well as its data center and network operations center. A System admin should have proficiency with the system's core platform like Windows, Linux, etc.and alsomust aware of various areas including data restoration, IT security, networking, backup,middleware basics,database operations, load balancing, and others more.The System administrator has a superficially endless list of everyday jobs, some of them are more critical than the other jobs.

Linux system administrators playing their role very effectively and efficiently like other system administrators are doing in the business industry. Linux Administrator is an official specialist who specializes in developing and maintaining Linux infrastructure technology.They are backend Information technology professionals who configure, install, and maintain Linux operating systems in the number of reputable firms. This partcontains operations for server-side and troubleshooting in systems that maintaincritical business and development activities. Linux administrators also configure and organize user access and monitor system solidity and security through deployment.

The role of a Linux system administrator

The role of a Linux system administrator can be different based on the type of their business and industry, but the universal tasks of this role are relatively common. With the successful completion of Linux administration certification a Linux system administrator gear up for the future and gain valuable job offers in the market. We can analyze the role of a Linux system administrator that includes;

Perform System Maintenance
Linux administrators also execute the ongoing system maintenance and answerthe server related issues as they appear. This characteristic of the role involves the Linux administrator to analysis error logs, reported errors and try to find their solutions. They are continuously checking for the processes that are spending more resources than expected and take necessary action for the resolution. They are also regularly monitoring and checking the CPU utilization of the critical process, checking memory utilization and clear the cache when required, handling the average load and tune the server for better and effective performance and also utilizing Disk/SAN/NAS by checking the reports of external storage and if found any issue then coordinate with the relevant team for the correction.Linux administrators frequently and effectively need to work with the system’s source code to make compulsory changes and to make sure reliable performance and then deploy all over the system.

Install and Configure Linux Systems

Linux system administrator’s key function is to install and set up servers as per the proper Linux system process. And also proactively and consistently maintain and develop all Linux infrastructure equipment to maintain 24x7x365 services. They improve the server’sperformance and work with different users to make sure that the system works actively, reliably and quickly, and also answer the questions correctly related to the setup and installation. In this process, Linux administrators also develop the architecture of the system that includes back-end databases and scripts for precise applications.

Create System Backups
Linux system administrators are also responsible to conduct backups for all the systemsaccording to the company or industry criteria and standards. Linux administrator Communicate with the backup performers and provide them the info and the client priorities for backup and also they help to restore all processes and make available required training to all workers.They have torecommend completesystem backups as required weekly (Saturday and Sunday), daily (Monday to Friday), and disaster recovery drill once a month or more frequently contingentto the system space and industryor business requirements. This act improves system recovery when a crash or other outage and supports records integrity by certifying that there is never a giant loss of vital data.

Evaluation of system documents

System administrators must have a proper and accurate record of assets including hardware and software with their types, counts, and licenses. Hardware inventory consist of physical and practical servers like OS, RAM, CPU, HDD, external storage, open ports, IP address and engineering appliances while software inventory like configured applications (IBM WebSphere Application Server, Red Hat JBoss,Oracle WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, etc. their role is also maintaining the details and the count of all licenses of physical and virtual systems

Server hardening

Linux System administrators doing some works like they set a BIOS secret code to prevent users from changing BIOS settings and Set a GRUB password forthe GRUB bootloader, Disallowingthe root access that decreases the probability of interruptions and apply TCP wrappers which is the weapon to guard a server from hackers. They create a law for the SSH daemon to permit only trusted hosts to join the server, and reject all others and also manages rules for other areas like FTP, SSH File Transfer Protocol, etc. Linux administrator also configuresfirewall and iptables rules for entering traffic to the server. Include the specific port, destination IP,and source IPand allow/ reject/deny ICMP requests for the public zone as well asthe private zone.They install antivirus software for the protection of the servers and bring up-to-date virus definitions for effective defense. They are checking secure and audit logsregularly and rotate the logs to keep the logs for a limited time andadequate disk space for perfect operation.

Monitoring tools, Automation and System Logs

Some other tasks of a system administrator are like backup triggers,resource utilization, server health checkups, and transfer logs and files. To handle these tasks the system administrator should write scripts and also use external tools and configure them to perform automatically when required. They also configure and install live monitoring tools to monitor the IT system and provides warnings for the problems that are happening in the company’s system. They maintain Syslog servers to acquire records of the system and application log for the issues. They can check real time logs as well as previous logs to identify and resolve issues

The aforementioned roles require wide familiarity with Linux systems and servers and may include a high level of risk calculation and user support. As Linux is an open-source working system, administrators also communicate and collaborate with other designers to develop and implement system developments.