

Investigating Investor Interest: Hedge Funds orPrivate Equity

An adage goes, “If you want to understand people’s motives and incentives, follow the money.”

If you follow the fund industry, you will realizemoney is in alternative assets –think private equity, hedge funds, real estate, venture capital, among others. While alternative investments make only a small percentage of the asset pie –they have always reaped high revenues, and often in fact dominates the revenue earned from AuM (Assets under Management).

The big question for professionals working in PE firms and other alternative investment industries is: Where does investors’ interest lie within alternative investments?

Where do the investors put most of their money?

Do they prefer private equity, hedge funds, venture, or any other?

The answer was found in a recent (2018) EY Global Alternative Fund Survey. Here, we dig out what the report reveals about investors’ interest.

Two BIG revelations

Asset Managers, in both private equity jobs as well as hedge funds, face a lot of difficulties in raising funds as investor allocations become difficult to secure – due to unique market conditions and changing investor demands titled toward outcome specific products. This makes keeping the pulse of the industry pertinent. The EY report Two priorities emerged from EY report on asset industry.

·         Raising funds, aka asset growth, for obvious reasons remain the top priority for both hedge funds and private equity managers. Within that, aside from flagship fund offerings, innovation into new products and non-traditional offerings (think real estate, private credit, and others) are gaining investors’ attention.

·         The direct effect of diversification of products, are the need for talent that fits the digital age. For instance, data scientists and programmers need to aid finance professionals with their expertise.

The finance industry once dominated by quantitative managers is becoming open to data scientists, programmers and other talent pools.

Most Preferred Alternative Funds – For Investors

Among all alternative funds, investors invested the most in following categories. This is the ranking of investor’s favorite alternative funds:

1.      Hedge Funds – 40%
2.      Real Estate – 21%
3.      Private Equity – 18%
4.      Other Alternative asset classes – 9%
5.      Private Credit – 9%
6.      Real Assets – 3%

Hedge funds gain the lion’s share of investor’s asset allocation; although investors have been reported to be rebalancing their allocations with private equity gaining the most ground.

Why hedge fund tops the list, and how private equity is set to take a part of hedge funds share in years to come? Let’s take a look.

PE vs HF: Why the demand for Private Equity is growing?

Private Equity allocations seem to be growing fast; in fact, much faster than other alternative investments. When investors were asked their future plans for hedge funds, which currently trumps all other investment allocations, it emerged that the hedge funds allocations will remain flat comparatively.

The vast majority of investors will cut back on hedge funds and shift to private equity. Reasons being:

·         Investors are finding it difficult to justify higher fees of active funds as their returns have been weak.
·         The receptiveness of PE professionals in utilizing new product offering to grow investors’ asset is high in private equity.

Wrapping Up

Investors are looking for innovative products and non-traditional offerings. For those looking for careers in private equity, it is no less than a golden opportunity – to fulfil the skills required by the industry. Those in private equity or hedge fund business who identify these opportunities will be able to reap benefits to support their industry.

Competition for new talent remain robust in the funds industry, with both Private Equity Firms and Hedge Funds, looking for a share of each.