

How Long Does It Take for Eyelashes to grow back with castor oil?

Castor oil contains more beneficial nutrients like fatty acids, proteins, and minerals. These nutrients play an important role in healthy hair growth. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects your eyelashes from falling.

The best advantage of castor oil is that it repairs damaged eyelashes and grow healthy lashes. It also contains high levels of ricinoleic acid that stimulates the growth of thick eyelashes. You will know  how long does it take for eyelashes to grow back.

Is castor oil safe for Eyelashes?

Many products in the market can cause harm to your skin but castor oil is the safest product that you can use. It is a natural product. It gives you fine results without any disadvantages or side effects.

Moreover, it is irritation-free. If some part of the oil goes into your eyes it does not cause any damage. It only blurs your eye vision if you use an excessive amount of oil on the eyelashes.

The only trick to clear your vision is that always use the appropriate amount of oil to apply on eyelashes.

How to use castor oil for eyelashes

You can create combinations with castor oil by adding different products. Nighttime is considered the best time to apply these remedies. Because it allows oil to moist your lashes and when you wake up you will get to see amazing eyelashes. Here are some best combinations of castor oil that you can apply to your eyelashes.

1. Pure Castor oil Mask

This is the simple castor mask in which you do not add any other product. You can easily apply this product to eyelashes.

Here are some steps to apply castor oil to your eyelashes.

1.    First, clean your face to remove all the makeup that you wear.

2.    Pick a clean mascara stick in your hand.

3.    Put the mascara stick in castor oil then remove the access oil and apply on your eyelashes. Carefully, cover the upper and lower eyelash with oil.

4.    After applying go to bed and leave the oil overnight

5.    In the morning, rinse your face with clean water.

2. Glycerin and Egg white method

Add some egg white and glycerin into castor oil to increase its efficiency. These two products are very common and easily available. Egg white is added because of its high protein consistency and glycerin for its moisturizing properties.

Here are some steps to make this castor oil mixture.

1.    Take a tiny bottle or container and put some castor oil in it.

2.    In the oil, add two drops of glycerin and egg white.

3.    Mix it well to create a foamy texture

4.    Apply this mixture gently on upper and lower eyelashes with the help of a clean mascara stick.

5.    It's your choice to leave it for some hours or overnight.

3. Castor oil with Olive oil

The best source of getting vitamins A and E is olive oil and also it has many antioxidants that increase hair growth. If you combine castor oil and olive oil then it is the best mixture for your eyelashes.

Here is a step by step guide to creating this mixture

1.    Take an empty clean bottle in which you want to store this combination

2.    Add an equal amount of castor oil and olive oil to it

3.    Blend the mixture completely

4.    Use a clean mascara stand to dip in the mixture. Remove access oil from the stand and equally apply on eyelashes.

5.    Leave this mixture on eyelashes for a night and in the morning remove it with a makeup wipe

4. Castor Oil and sweet almond oil

Almond contains all the essential fats, vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium. It creates a shiny look in your eyelashes if constantly use it. Almond oil also makes your eyelashes thicker and longer.

If you combine castor oil with almond oil your eyelashes will grow quickly.

Here is the step by step guide to creating this mixture

1.    Take an empty clean bottle in which you want to store this combination

2.    Add an equal amount of castor oil and almond oil to it

3.    Blend the mixture completely

4.    Use a clean mascara stand to dip in the mixture. Remove access oil from the stand and equally apply on eyelashes.

5.    Leave it overnight for better results

5. Vaseline, Coconut oil, and castor oil serum

For dry eyelashes, vaseline is the best option to keep it moist. Also, coconut oil contains many nutrients that keep your eyelashes shiny, soft, and dark.

Here is a step by step guide to creating this mixture

1.    Take an empty clean bottle in which you want to store this combination

2.    Add an equal amount of castor oil and castor oil to it

3.    Add the double amount of Vaseline to the mixture

4.    Blend the mixture completely

5.    Use a clean mascara stand to dip in the mixture. Remove access oil from the stand and equally apply on eyelashes.

6.    Leave it overnight for better results


If you use any of the mixtures for the whole night then you will get better results in a short time. You can take 2 to 3 days to make sure if the mixture works correctly or not. If you see there is no change in the growth then you can switch to another mixture. Use the best mixture that workers for you perfectly.