

Relocating for Work: A Stress Free Guide to New Career Opportunities

Do you feel like your career is stuck in a rut? Have you been toying with the idea of moving your job hunt to a different city or town?

Maybe you're in the opposite situation. You got an offer from a different company, but it's going to require that you move and you don't know if you're ready for such a big change.

If you found yourself relating to those two different scenarios, it's clear that you're thinking about relocating for work. There are plenty of good reasons to relocate for a job, and there are also some reasons why it's best to stay put.

Either way, we're here to help you decide if moving for a job is literally the right move for you. Keep reading if you want to learn the pros and cons of moving for work and how you can make things easier for yourself.

Reasons to Move

Moving is a big decision, but there are still plenty of good reasons why you should consider moving for work.

If you're considering moving for a job with better pay, better benefits, or a better title, moving could be worth it. Jobs that can benefit your career, financial situation, and even your overall wellbeing and life can be worth the hassle of moving.

It's also okay to consider moving just so you can have new opportunities. Working in a niche industry can make it difficult to find new and exciting opportunities even if you're in a big city. Moving can help expose you to new things and can help give you the career growth you've been waiting for.

A move that wouldn't have a big impact on your quality of life is also worth considering. You may not have found your dream job, but if you don't think a move would be too taxing on you or your family, take a chance and start house hunting!

Reasons to Stay

Remember, having a job offer on the table or being bored with your current location isn't always a reason to move. Take time to think hard about the opportunities you have and how much you truly stand to benefit from a move.

We'd rarely recommend moving for a job that's a lateral move, or a job that doesn't offer great pay or benefits. Going to a new job that gives you $3k more a year and a few more PTO days can be okay if you're planning on staying where you are. However, you should seriously consider if uprooting your entire life is worth it for a few thousand more a year and a slightly longer vacation.

It's also worth noting that a big opportunity still may not be worth moving for if it could seriously negatively impact your life and the lives of your spouse and kids. A new school system, having a job-hunting spouse, and being away from your usual support system may be too much to handle.

Our Top 3 Tips for Relocating for Work

Now that you've had some time to weigh the pros and cons, let's start focusing on ways to make relocating for work as simple as possible.

House hunting, moving, and getting established at a new company can be difficult if you aren't prepared. Luckily, we know some great tips that can help you get started on the right foot.

If you want to handle your relocation the right way, be sure to follow these tips.

Start Networking Now

It doesn't matter if you're moving to a new city in hopes of getting a new job or if you already have an offer on the table. Building your professional network is important, and you should start doing work now to make connections in your new area.

LinkedIn is a great platform to network on, and their search features make it easy to find people you could connect with. Search by locations, companies, or even job titles to find people you'd be interested in meeting.

If you have the time, try attending some meetups for other professionals in your area. You'll be able to meet a lot of people from different companies and get a feel for the professional scene in your city.

Plan Your Move

When you're trying to lock down a new job, learn about a new area, and get your new living situation in order, packing and moving will be one of the last things on your mind. That's why it's important to get a plan together now so you aren't scrambling to figure things out.

Establish a moving and packing timeline so you know exactly when things need to be done. Following this can ensure that your move isn't chaotic and that you have plenty of time to prepare.

We also highly recommend bringing in professional moving help. Some services can do a lot more than just get things from point A to point B. There are some that may be willing to help you set up your furniture and can even provide packing material.

Research Your New Location

You may have your eye on a neighborhood or could even have a house or apartment lined up for you. Understanding the ins and outs of your new location is important, but it goes far beyond your home or apartment.

What's the average cost of living in the area? Is your neighborhood part of a good school district? How close are you to public transit? These are all very important and practical things to know.

It's also important to remember that you won't just be there to work, you're going to need some fun in your life! Find out about some of the hot restaurants and theaters around your new home. See if there are any hobby groups full of like-minded people you can befriend.

Make Moves, Meet Goals

Relocating for work is a huge decision, and there are plenty of pros and cons for whatever you choose. If you do decide to take a chance and move, following our 3 simple tips can make things much less stressful for you in the long run.

Relocating is only one way to help your career. There are still plenty of other ways you can give your career the spark it needs.

Have you considered going back to school? Are you think of how to ask your boss for a big raise? Do you want to learn how to negotiate?

We have a lot of helpful information for career-focused people on our site. Be sure to browse our posts so you can learn how to meet your career goals.