People will always look for light desserts. However, there is a big problem. Most desserts contain excess sugar, fat, and preservatives; all of these can be very harmful to the body. So it's time for easy dessert recipes that improve body health while still bringing a sweet smile after eating.
Pineapple and raspberry parfait
These are very easy desserts to prepare. The fact is that in less than five minutes you can prepare your dessert. In addition, there are some ingredients to consider. Instead of cream, you can settle for low-fat yogurt.
You can choose your preferred low fat yogurt flavor. You will also need to collect fresh pineapples or raspberries. If you can't find them, you can find frozen or canned ones. The good thing about this dessert is that it is also suitable for those with diabetes.
Banana bread
Banana bread can be eaten at any time of the day. You can also take it with you to work or on business and use it as a snack. The humble banana is rich in nutrients. It is composed of ABC vitamins and an excellent source of potassium and magnesium.
Plus, it can boost your energy and mood and reduce water retention. Plus, it contains 3 grams of fiber, which means that it helps digestion and the elimination of waste products through the body.
These desserts are easy to make if you make many loaves in one batch and freeze the rest for later. You can also add a pinch of ground cinnamon, which can certainly be good for your health and will add flavor to your banana bread.
Fresh fruits
If you want light desserts that are perfectly that are prepared by dessert table setup Singapore, then nothing beats fresh fruit. You can simply look for seasonal fruits at your local farmers' market. To make them more fun, you can choose fruits by their color. The more shades the better. If there are certain fruits that you like but cannot find fresh, you can always find frozen alternatives. Just be sure to use the least amount of sugar. Then you can add low fat yogurt to them, or simply serve.
Crispy apple
Cherries, apples and oatmeal - you can never go wrong with this mixture. Cherries are a rich source of antioxidants. They can destroy free radicals that can cause life-threatening diseases, including cancer. On the other hand, apples can be your main source of fiber in addition to antioxidants. Oatmeal is a fibrous food.
Light desserts don't have to be boring. If you are a chocolate lover, you should know that a little chocolate is good for you, however, for chocolate lovers, a little chocolate is rarely enough. Try some healthier chocolates, such as rich cocoa, which contains nutrients. You can choose skimmed or low-fat condensed milk to act as a sweetener.