

Can You Improve Metabolism and Lose Weight with NMN?

Can you improve your fitness metabolism and lose weight by taking NMN? If you're a mouse, the answer is a resounding "Yes!!

As our guess you're not a mouse, then why do you care that NMN supplementationcan improve exercise metabolism and weight loss in mice?If NMN can boost exercise metabolism and weight loss in mice, there's a good possibility it can do the same for you. To know more, you must read this article and scroll down.

What does NMN have to do with exercise metabolism?

Over thousands or millions of years, the aging mechanisms associated with dietetic/caloric restrictions in the animal kingdom have been evolutionarily conserved. This is why it is possible, although this has not been confirmed that changes to exercise metabolism and weight loss that mice have experienced from NMN supplementation will bring to humans.

Exercise has known beneficial effects on obesity's metabolic results. Exercise enhances metabolism by increased NAD+ levels of mitochondrial activity. Recent studies have shown that the NMN precursor NAD+ niacin is a derivative of the NAD+ standard.

All of it means that exercise in any animal model studied, including us, to boost metabolism, which occurs through increased NAD+, a lifetime coenzyme. NMN can do that too — at least in mice — by imitating the effects of exercise has on bolstering NAD+.

Many research projects have examined how NAD precursors stimulate the age-related decline of this coenzyme, which participates in the metabolism of cellular energy and energy production with particular emphasis on the workout and composition of the body.

In a mouse model of maternal obesity, 18 days of NMN supplementation had the same beneficial effects as nine weeks of exercise, according to a study sponsored by the National Health and Medical Research Council and published in Science Reports in 2017. The term "maternal obesity" refers to mice that have been bred to have increased adiposity and liver triglycerides, as well as reduced glucose tolerance, NAD+ levels in the liver, and citrate synthase activity. These mice were bred to be overweight (and had several associated physiologic conditions associated with being fat) to see whether NMN supplementation would have the same impact on the mice as exercise, and it did.

A study in the Journal of Biomedical Science in May 2019 reached similar findings to the one mentioned above. It was discovered that giving obese mice NMN or nicotinamide riboside (NR) could prevent NAD levels.

NR, along with NMN, is a NAD-booster (or precursor), which means that it can help increase the amount of NAD in all animal model studies, including ours. In this study, mice given NR had less weight gain when fed a high-fat diet because the NR increased energy expenditure, just like exercise. Mice given NMN had higher energy consumption, were more physically active, and suppressed their weight gain as they age.


Finally, last but not least, something worthy of mentioning is that scientists believe that the supplementation of NMN is healthy for humans. But wait, there is a lot about NMN to ascertain; therefore,you should hop over to these guys.