

The benefits of gift-giving

Gifts. Almost everyone loves receiving them, but how many of us love giving them? For some, gift-giving is merely a formality and done because we feel like we have to. If there is some sort of celebration, whether it be someone’s birthday, a baby shower or a wedding anniversary, under social norms we are expected to give gifts to others. Depending on the type of person you are, this formality will be more or less enjoyable. However, regardless of whether or not you enjoy giving gifts, you should definitely do so because believe it or not, there are actually many benefits of gift-giving!

It can improve mental wellbeing

Gifting can improve your mental wellbeing as it is an act of kindness. Being nice to people can help spark positive feelings and emotions for both parties. Therefore, gift-giving promotes social connection and cooperation. As the famous expressions goes, giving is receiving. So, performing a kind act such as gift-giving can positively affect you. There are lots of types of gifts you can give. What is important is that you tailor the gift to the intended recipient. So, if the person you plan on giving a gift to loves alcohol, Distoo is the perfect place to shop. Do your research and use tips that will guarantee you find the perfect gift.

Giving gifts can build and strengthen bonds and relationships with others

Yes, you read that correctly. Gift-giving can actually play an important role in strengthening relationships. This is because giving gifts is actually a love language and can help convey the love and appreciation you feel for the other person. It shows that you have not only thought about the other, but also, that you have gone out of your way to show them how much they mean to you. So, gift-giving can be a great way to show appreciation.

Also, gift-giving provides a great opportunity to learn more about your partner, friend or family. For the receiver, this is because the gift that the other has given you can indicate what they believe to be important to you or what they believe you like. So, if you are an avid reader of books and you receive a book as a gift, this shows that the person who gave you the gift knows you well. Note, this does not mean that if you receive a present that is not catered to your likes or hobbies, that they do not know you. This is because the gift you receive may have a different purpose i.e., to help you move out of your comfort zone, to try something new, or maybe it is a representation of how they view you. Whatever the reason, discuss it with them - maybe you will learn something new. For the giver, you can learn what the other likes and dislikes. So, gift-giving can help you learn more about each other.

One word of warning, if the recipient is from another country or culture, check out what the gift-giving customs are in their culture. For example, in China, giving a clock as a gift is frowned upon.