Everyone loves to share videos online whether they recorded them on their own or found them on the web. Twitter users especially love to do their sharing via mobile phone. Anyone can easily share videos on Twitter with the help of some great tools that work from their computers or mobile phones.

Without the help of Twitter apps, you can tweet the URL to a video, but this option has its limitations. There are numerous Twitter tools that help you share videos easily and efficiently and listed below are some of our favorites.
UberTwitter is an application created download from twitter users to embed videos within tweets as well as upload photos, update GoggleTalk, and tweet your location. No GPS is required for the location feature.
Twible is a Twitter tool that works with any smartphone that supports Java. The program connects with Twitpic and Mobypicture so users can easily share videos and pictures. Twible also includes notifications for new tweets, full screen mode and provides SSL support for security.
Twit Lens is another application that you can use to upload videos. The memory limit per video upload is currently 50 MB, and videos or pictures can be posted on Twitter via mobile phone as well as from computers.
Another great Twitter tool for video sharing is Twixter. Picture and video thumbnails appear embedded on the user's tweets with a short URL to full-sized versions of the media. YouTube or Vidler videos can be viewed within the Twitter stream for anyone who has the app installed, so viewers do not have to leave your page.
For those who want to create their own videos and share them on Twitter, Screener is an app that can help. It is an online recorder you can use to create your own videos and share them without downloading anything. Users can create screencasts from their MAC or PC and viewers can watch online from virtually any internet-ready device.
Magnify.net allows users to publish videos that they find online or create themselves. You can create playlists, add comments, change the design, and more. You can integrate the videos on your website and tweet the URL. You can also find relevant videos created by other users to build a video community.
Twitch is a great Twitter tool that enables users to embed or post links to all types of files. With this application you can search, comment, view, rate, mark as favorite, and share files not only on Twitter, but also on Foursquare and Facebook. It works great for video and file sharing and you can link to YouTube, Hulu, Flickr, and more.