

Types Of Drum Pumps – Topic Overview

What Are Drum Pumps?

The primary function of a drum pump is to transfer liquid from or into a drum or container. The type of liquid differs, and therefore, it can be anything such as water, chemical, or any other solution. For example, water weighs about 80.3 pounds a US gallon. Other forms of liquids may be lower whereas, others may be heavier. Tipping a container or drum may result in spills and hard work. Furthermore, it is impractical with harsh industrial chemicals.

Drum pumps are popularly used with many industrial companies, processing foods industries, and even the automotive industry. All these companies need a practical way of transferring liquid from one area or container to the next. The most efficient way to achieve this is by using drum pumps. It is important to drum pumps come in many types. The type one chooses will depend on the kind of liquid being transferred, the size, and practicability. Below are few examples of some of the most common industries that use drum pumps. - Automotive shops - Processing plants - Pharmaceutical processing plants - Manufacturing plants - Food processing plans - Chemical plant Different types of drums pumps are powered either by electricity, manual or pneumatically. Some can be used interchangeably, while others are fixed into the barrel. All in all, these pumps work by transferring liquid from or into a barrel. They are portable, flexible, and can be hardwired into the factory system. They are built using different kinds of materials to accommodate different uses. For this reason, some pumps are built with metallic or non-metallic such as plastic.

Electric Operated Drum Pump Models

Electric operated drum pumps are the most popular and widely used. these pumps feature a narrow tube and a vertical shaft. The vertical shaft is featured with impellers. The primary function of the impellers is to create centrifugal forces to transfer liquid. These pumps can either use DC or AC motors. The motor will only run if a switch is turned ON. A majority of these pumps use sucking methods to transfer liquid. What does this mean? It means that they are not submersible pumps but rather placed above the drum, and they will suck the drum’s contents. They are best used for transferring high volumes of liquid. Some are even battery powered. The high voltage drum pumps are designed for thicker and heavier liquids. Furthermore, they are excellent for quick and efficient transferring liquid. See here for IBC mixer.

Manual Operated Drum Pump Models

Manually operated drum pumps work by using a hand crank or piston to transfer liquid. They are best used in remote areas or places where there is no power. They are also designed with different materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, or plastic. When it comes to applications, they are best used for low volumes. They are easy to use, leak-free, and spark-free. They are affordable as well. A majority of these manually-operated drum pumps are approved to be used for hazardous environments, but only if the volume and volume of transfer are much less. If the volume is too much, then it will not be practical, and as such, the next best option is investing in pneumatically operated models. Pneumatically operated drum pumps are practical when it comes to high volume transfer.