

The Most Common PPC Mistakes That You Must Avoid

The PPC (Pay-per-click) is a powerful method of driving traffic to your website since you pay only for each click. Although SEO will help you increase organic traffic and build authority for your website, PPC advertising is the most effective way to meet short-term objectives. If you're operating a PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising campaign but aren't getting the results that you anticipated, you're likely to be making some major and frequent PPC errors. These mistakes could result in wasted money and therefore must be avoided at all costs.

PPC Mistake to Avoid for Maximum Results

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising can provide you with the desired results in no time if you do it correctly. However, some do not get the number of conversions they would like from the PPC campaign, and this happens because they are not able to take advantage of one or the other aspect. Unlike other advertising platforms, PPC is a great way to advertise your services and products. Here are some of the most common PPC mistakes advertisers make and should be avoided to ensure success with PPC advertising: 

Not Identify Your Goals

The first step to take when launching your PPC program is to establish your goals. If you're not clear about your goal and you are only conducting PPC advertisements, you're likely to be making one of the most costly mistakes. It is essential to have a clear understanding of who your audience likes, the best place to identify this audience, as well as the goals you want to reach by running a particular campaign. Without a clearly defined objective and a well-planned strategy to achieve it, you will not get the most from a PPC marketing campaign.

Not Analyz Data Properly

Data analysis is now an essential part of PPC advertising in the present. If you don't have access to and analysis of sufficient data, you will not be able to make the right choice. If you're conducting a PPC campaign with the assumption that it will yield those desired outcomes, then you are making a huge error. You must opt for a data-driven approach when it comes to PPC marketing. If you do not have any numbers or statistics you are unable to evaluate what is the most effective strategy for your business, what you're not doing well, or where you could enhance.

Us to Wrong Match Types

There are various types of matches for keywords as listed below. One of the most frequent PPC errors that advertisers make is choosing the wrong type of match.

Exact match: Using an exact matching of your keyword in your ad's copy is essential for ensuring that only the right audience can find your site. If you want to target a specific group of people who are seeking a specific product information, service, or product use this match keyword. The ad will be displayed to people only when they type in the exact phrase you utilized.

Phrase Match The phrase match type is very similar to the match type, as they require the precise keywords to be included when searching. The only difference is the fact that it permits users to view your ads even if they've typed the exact keyword, along with additional words before or following it. To make the phrase match it is possible to place quotation marks before and after the specific keyword.

Broad Match Broad Match does not require that users look up the exact keyword that you're targeting. Your ads will be displayed only during times of Users search for the exact word it is a synonym or misspelled word even search terms that are closely related. This is the default setting.

Broad Match and Modifier Broad match plus modifier allows your ads to be displayed for similar search terms but not synonyms. Users will be able to view your ads for misspelled terms, close linked words, stemmed variants, etc., however, it will not display for synonyms. If you would like to use this type of match option, simply add the '+' symbol alongside the words you wish to appear within the query.

Not Target Your Brand Keywords

Another mistake that PPC marketers make is that they fail to focus on the specific keywords for their brand. Brand-specific keywords can help you reach the most relevant segment of customers who are looking for your product or service. It is recommended to launch at the very least one campaign that concentrates on keywords related to your business. These ads are affordable and result in more CTRs in addition to conversions.

Not Us to Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are those search terms or phrases you don't want your advertisements to appear for. If you're using broad match types which means that your ads will show up in search results for a broad range of search phrases and keywords. However, if you wish to prevent them from coming results for specific search phrases, you can opt for negative keywords.

For instance, if offer premium jewelry, you don't wish to have your ads appear on search results for phrases like 'cheap jewelry alternatives. You could add these unwanted keywords to negative keywords and ensure that your advertisements do not deceive the audience.

The Bad Ad Copies

Ad copy plays an essential function in attracting attention and enticing people to click on your advertisement. If the copy for your advertisement is not written properly it could result in losing many clicks. When writing your advertisement, you should keep these things in mind:

The copy for your ad should contain the key phrase you're targeting

It should be convincing in its relevance to the query of users

It should include a clear CTA (Call for action)

Ad copy that's not appealing enough usually results in lower conversions, and could result in a wasted advertising budget. So, when you're done writing the ad copy, get suggestions from your peers or acquaintances and request them to read the text from a user's viewpoint. If the copy doesn't appeal to you enough, you can try improving it.

Not Us an A/B Testing

To find out the best way to go about it, A/B tests on various forms of ads are very crucial. Writing a single advertisement copy, creating an image, and then advertising won't yield successful results. A/B testing involves creating several versions of the ad to determine which one has the most CTRs or conversions. To make different variations of an advertisement you can make small modifications to the titles, CTA lines, etc, and then see which does better.

Not Monitor The Campaign Regularly

If you simply start a campaign and then put it aside and then forget about it, you won't see the most effective results of it. To be successful the campaign, a PPC campaign needs to be monitored regularly. It's okay to automatize your campaigns but ignoring their progress isn't a wise plan. To get the best outcomes, it is recommended to keep track of your campaigns regularly and continually optimize them to ensure greater efficiency.

As long as the campaign continues to run you can change the ad copy to see which one gets the highest engagement. Setting up a PPC campaign, and then forgetting about it is not a good option.

Not Sette The Right Budget

To get the outcomes you desire it is essential to establish a budget to achieve those outcomes. When deciding on your goals and objectives, you should have clear the many conversions you require. Once you have the number of conversions that you require and your current conversion rate you can estimate the number of people required to reach this target.

Not Optimiz Landing Pages

If you're sending all your PPC users to the homepage of your site You are making an error. If you don't have landing pages for each keyword you are not able to get the most effective results. Every landing page needs to be optimized attractive, visually appealing, and easy to read and include relevant information and a simple CTA. If you wish to get your website's users to be converted to customers, pay particular attention to designing compelling landing pages.

Ignore Quality Scores

If you're not paying attention to the quality score of your advertisements, stop now. Qualitative scores can be used to determine the relevancy of your advertisements and landing pages to users. The higher the score is, the more effective are your advertisements and the greater the likelihood of your users turning into customers. If your advertisements have a low quality score it could result in lower rankings and a higher CPC. Therefore, it is recommended to work on improving your ads until they reach a high-quality score. This can be accomplished by writing compelling copy and including relevant keywords in the text of your ad.

Choose Wrong Bid Settings

It is also among the most common PPC errors that publishers make. There are a variety of bid settings you can pick from. You can choose to go with the entire manual setting, completely automated, or a mix of both. Let's discuss various bid options and when it's appropriate to use these settings:

Manual CPC This means that advertisers control completely the bidding process, and can make any changes only by hand.

Enhanced CPCIn this way, manual bids will automatically be adjusted to ensure more conversions, while the price per conversion stays the same.

The Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): This is an automated bid strategy in which Google determines the best price for every user whenever an advertisement is eligible to be shown to them. The cost can vary for every conversion based on the average CPA you've set as your target.

Get Your PPC Marketing Campaigns Profitable by using MadHawks

To get the most out of a PPC program, you have to consider many aspects. From determining the best budget to deciding on

the best bidding strategy, and many more, each step must be considered carefully. If you don't have a lot of knowledge in this field, you should be driving

Success can be quite difficult. However, it is possible to achieve success. We are a professional PPC Campaign Management service Company that offers quality PPC services to boost sales.

This group of PPC marketing experts is knowledgeable in the various techniques, strategies, and tools utilized for PPC advertising. After analyzing your goals for business and focusing on the budget of your business, our team can design the most efficient PPC campaign that is beneficial to your company. For more information, get in touch with us today!


1. What is the reason PPC does not work?

Ans. PPC campaigns can sometimes fail due to commonly-made PPC mistakes made by advertisers, as outlined below:

Poorly written ads copy copywriting

The wrong budget is not being set

Insufficiently monitoring the campaign

The wrong keywords are not being targeted.

The A/B test is not being used.

2. Do you see a future for PPC?

Ans. Yes, PPC is an ever-growing field and is predicted to expand to a more substantial amount within the next few years. With the growing importance of digital marketing as well as technological advancements in the field, PPC advertising only increase over the next few years.

3. Does PPC help SEO?

Ans. No, PPC has no direct effect on SEO however, it could increase the visibility of your brand and indirectly boost the site's SEO.

4. Which is more difficult than PPC or SEO?

Ans. SEO is regarded as more difficult than PPC since SEO results take longer to appear, while PPC can deliver results faster.

5. How effective can you measure the effectiveness of PPC ads?

Ans. More than 75 percent of customers agree that advertisements make it easier for them to locate what they're searching for. So, implementing PPC advertising campaigns efficiently can bring greater results for businesses if the most commonly made PPC mistakes are prevented.