Joint pain and swelling in kids are a very concerning symptom because they will impact the daily activities of the kids as well as their overall quality of life. No doubt the joints are commonly associated with adults but children can also experience such problems.
Having a comprehensive overview of the causes, diagnosis and treatment of joint pain with the consultation of orthopedics for kids is very much important for the parents so that they will be able to remain on the right path of managing such conditions. Joint pain and swelling could arise from multiple conditions ranging from minor injuries to serious medical disorders and some of the common causes in this particular case have been justified as follows:
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: This is a very common chronic rheumatic disease in children it is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks the joints leading to pain as well as inflammation and swelling. This will be present in multiple forms including the distinct characteristics for every category and patterns of joint involvement.
Infectious arthritis: This is also known as the problem of septic arthritis which happens when one joint becomes infected with bacteria or viruses. This particular condition will dissolve into a significant number of infections elsewhere in the body and later on, will spread to the joints or other forms of direct injury to the joint. This will lead to very severe elements of pain, redness, swelling, and fever and further will always require prompt medical attention on behalf of parents.
Any kind of injury or trauma: The paediatric orthopaedic specialist also recommends the parents focus on any kind of injury or trauma because it could be a clear-cut cause of joint pain and swelling in kids. Any kind of injury that could happen during sports activities, gaming, or accidents will be a clear reason for this particular problem, and in all such cases the pain will be usually localized to the affected joint and later on will be accompanied by swelling, buzzing, and difficulty in movement.
Growing pain: This is a very common cause of joint pain in the kids that will be affecting the legs typically and this will be happening at night because it will not be creating swelling or long-term dimension. Growing pain is believed to be related to the rapid growth and development of the bone and muscles.
Reactive arthritis: This is a condition that develops in response to the infection in the body and usually this is a result of gastrointestinal or urinary interaction problems. This particular type of arthritis will create the problem of joint pain and swelling and typically will affect the areas of the ankle, feet, and knees. Usually, it will also be completed by other symptoms including inflammation in the eyes and skin rashes.
Some of the basic diagnostic approaches that you need to know have been justified as follows:
Medical history: Detailed medical history will be always helpful in identifying the potential causes of joint pain and swelling and position in this particular case will be asking about the onset, duration the pattern of symptoms as well as the recent injuries or infections.
Physical exam examination: During the physical examination the physician will assess the affected joint for sign of inflammation, tenderness, or the range of motion and further they will also be checking for any other kind of related symptoms including rashes, fever, or other underlying conditions
Laboratory testing: This will provide people with valuable pieces of information about the underlying cause of joint pain and swelling and the common test in this particular case will be the complete blood count, rheumatoid factor, joint fluid analysis, or any other kind of related things
Imaging studies: This will be helpful in visualizing the affected joint and surrounding structures which further will be hesitating the diagnosis of the joint conditions. Common imaging techniques will be ultrasound, x-ray, or MRI.
Some of the most common types of treatment options that you need to know with the help of the best paediatric surgeons in Pune have been justified as:
Going for the medication: Medication will play a very significant role in managing joint pain and swelling in kids and further, this will be based upon NSAID, anti-viral medication, or antibiotics. This will be all about treating the underline infections and improving the overall health conditions of the kids.
Physical therapy: This is very important for maintaining the overall functioning of the joint by improving the range of motion and strengthening the muscles around the affected joints. Physical therapist in this particular case will be designing the personalised exercise program that will be tailored to the needs of the kids and will be focusing on pain relief as well as flexibility and strength.
Orthopedic intervention: This will be based upon necessary situations for certain conditions including fracture, dislocation, and intense cases of arthritis. All of these interventions will include the casting, joint aspiration, or surgical procedure procedures that will be all about repairing the damaged structures, improving the alignment of the bones as well as dealing with a loose fragmentation into the joint.
Lifestyle modification: This will be all about managing joint pain and swelling in children in such a manner that everybody will be able to enjoy proper relief throughout the process. Providing the kids with appropriate elements of rest, a balanced diet and appropriate footwear will be very important so that there will be no scope of any kind of stress on the weight-bearing joints and overall mobility will be definitely improved.
Apart from the points mentioned above encouraging the kids to participate in safe physical activities with proper techniques and protective gear will be always very important and the parents must always focus on managing healthy lifestyles right from the beginning so that there is no scope for any kind of injuries. If any child is experiencing the problem of persistent joint pain or spelling then it is very important to seek medical attention promptly so that identification of the underlying cause and initiation of the appropriate treatment will be very well done.